How to get to Himaka island from Nagoya

Himaka Island is the nearest island to Nagoya, and it takes approximately 1h30 min to get to the island from Nagoya Station by train and ferry. The total cost for a round trip is 5,000 yen per person.
Approximately 50 min by Limited Express Train direct to Kowa St. 950 yen.
Approximately 7 min by walk
Approximately 20 min by Ferry / 1,420 yen
Himaka West Port and East Port have different timetables, so please be careful to choose the port that is closest to your accommodations or purpose.
Nagoya St. to Kowa St. by Meitetsu Line
If you are using the Meitetsu Line for the first time, be sure to take the right train! I once made a mistake by taking the wrong direction from Nagoya Station.
The train will arrive at Platform No. 4 at Nagoya Station (Meitetsu Line). Once you reach Platform No. 4, please make sure to line up in the yellow-green area on the light board and follow the sticker line on the ground. Trains in Japan are generally punctual, with the exception of some minor accidents.
Usually, the limited express to Kowa is not very crowded, so you can likely find a seat for the approximately 50-minute ride to the last stop. If you would like an extra comfortable seat, you can pay an additional 360 yen for a premier seat, available only in the 1st and 2nd cars.

Kowa St. to Kowa Port by Walk
Once you arrive at the last stop of Kowa Station, follow the way to the exit on the right-hand side. You may see direction boards to the port frequently, which takes approximately 7 minutes by walk.
I personally do not recommend using Google Maps this time to get to the port, as it may guide you through busy car loads with large trucks coming in and out. Many Japanese tourists may head to the port, so you can easily follow them!
If you come across old information about getting a free shuttle bus to the port from Kowa Station, please note that the service officially ended in April 2023.

At the Kowa Port

How to buy a ticket
There is a ticket machine on the left side with English information, and a ticket counter with Japanese staff on the right side. You can use credit cards such as VISA, MASTER, and JCB, but NOT American Express (AMEX) cards.
If you buy a round-trip ticket, you can get a discount of 120 yen, so I highly recommend purchasing a round ticket unless you don’t want to worry about losing your tickets. In our case, we received a 240 yen discount for two adult tickets.

Time table at Kowa Port
Himaka Island has two ports, West and East. While the West port has a more frequent timetable and newer facilities, the East port is relatively small. The island itself is very compact; you can walk around for about 20 minutes or even rent a bike or electric scooter if you plan to explore the east side.
If you end up at the wrong port, you can contact the Ryokan/Hotel staff. The local staff are warm and kind, and there’s a high possibility they will pick you up.
Facilities at Kowa Port

Kowa Port to Himaka island by Ferry
On the way to the dock
When it’s close to the departure time, there will be an announcement in Japanese to get ready. You can go outside and line up. If you want to get some seats outside on the deck, I recommend lining up a little earlier.

The ferry ride experience
If you are prone to motion sickness, I recommend getting a seat on the back side, as there is typically less movement compared to the front. We took a stroller, so we chose seats at the back. The ferry ride to Himaka Island takes approximately 20 minutes, but honestly, it feels quite fast if you enjoy watching the view outside.
I was quite surprised to hear an English-speaking announcement guide during the trip too! The upper floor of the deck is quite popular among local tourists. It’s really nice and refreshing but can be quite cold during the winter time.